Monique Boea 2124 Hairston Creek Pkwy Decatur, GA 30035 |
Daytime Phone:678-418-0967 Mobile:404-290-9097 URL: |
Creative Web Designer - PhotoShop 5.5 Expert | Resume #3161360 |
OBJECTIVE | To obtain a challenging career in web design and development. |
TARGET JOB | Desired Job Type: | Employee |
Desired Status: | Full-Time |
Salary: | 60,000 USD Per Year |
Site Location: | On-Site |
TARGET COMPANY | CompanySize: | No Preference |
Category: | Internet/E-Commerce |
Description of my ideal company: An Internet Start-Up |
TARGET LOCATIONS | US-GA-Atlanta South | US-GA-Atlanta North |
EXPERIENCE | 3/1999 - Present | | Atlanta, GA |
Intranet Developer |
Designed and implemented corporate Intranet site through an extensive knowledge of HTML, JavaScript and Cold Fusion 4.0. Responsible for a variety of daily/monthly updates including company newsletters, adding/deleting employees, main site statistics and sales goals. Responsible for the overall look and feel of the "About Us" section of the home page. Utilized PhotoShop 5.5, Dreamweaver and other programs to create original design, graphics and animation while maintaining an overall consistency. Responsible for ongoing testing of the functionality and browser capability of developed applications on the external and internal sites. Responsible for misc. content publishing tasks including: Approve/add resources links submitted by visitors: Choose and publish the "Question of the Day". (See home page) Randomly select, notify and publish the's monthly monitor winners. Also responsible for maintaining the monthly monitor winner's section. Maintain the's online press room: Answer all inquiries, questions and comments from visitors and clients (site errors, resume problems, log in issues, content and research inquiries, international inquiries, etc.) for the following email addresses: & Maintain the's Career Snapshot - Maintain's message boards by making sure that visitors follow the posting guidelines: No vulgar language, no advertisements, etc. Also, maintain the message boards for proper functioning. |
4/1997 - 3/1998 | Conduit Software | Norcross, GA |
User Interface Specialist |
Responsible for the look and feel of Conduit Software’s HRConnect – web-interfaced Human Resources application software. Used HTML, DHTML, and JavaScript to develop user-interface applications based on client specifications. Met on a monthly basis with contracted clients to discuss any problems and/or progress with current project. |
2/1996 - Present | Shilo Web Design (self) | Decatur, GA |
Web Application Developer |
Design and implement web sites for various clients throughout the metro Atlanta area. Effectively maintain, update and revise these sites. Work can be seen at the following URL: |
EDUCATION | 8/1993 | GA State University | US-GA-Atlanta |
Bachelors Degree |
Major: Journalism |
SKILLS | Skill Name | Skill Level | Last Used | Experience |
HTML | Expert | Currently Used | 4 years |
DHTML | Intermediate | Currently Used | 2 years |
Adobe PhotoShop (4, 5.0, 5.5) | Expert | Currently Used | 4 years |
JavaScript | Intermediate | Currently Used | 4 years |
SQL | Beginner | Currently Used | 1 years |
Macromedia Dreamweaver | Expert | Currently Used | 2 years |
Macromedia Fireworks | Intermediate | Currently Used | 2 years |
Macromedia Flash | Beginner | Currently Used | 1 years |
REFERENCES | Carlos Lester | OmniTech Solutions | President & CEO |
Phone Number: | 404-284-8121 |
Email Address: | |
Reference Type: | Professional |